Microsoft SQL Server 2012 New Features Part-2
We have to face problem whenever we are going to identify the end date of month no built in function was there but now that problem has over in SQL Server 2012, EOMONTH return the date of the month
SELECT EOMONTH (‘05/02/2012’) ‘EOM Processing Date
Output: 2012-02-29
You can specify number of month with EOMONTH function also and it can be negative value
SELECT EOMONTH ( Getdate(), -1 ) AS ‘Last Month’
Output: 2012-01-31
Using this you can find out the specific item from a list of values.
SELECT CHOOSE ( 4, ‘CTO’, ‘GM’, ‘DGM’, ‘AGM’, ’Manager’ )
Output: AGM
This function is concatenating two or more string
SELECT CONCAT( emp_name,’Joining Date’, joingdate)
Output: Rahman Joining Date 01/12/2001
Using the function you can last value among the set of ordered values according to specified ordered & partitioned criteria. First value return the first value in an ordered set of values.
Insert into result(Department ,ID ,Marks ) values (1,103,70), (1,104,58) (2,203,65) (2,201,85)
Select Department,Id ,Marks, last_value(Marks) over (Partition by Department order By Marks) as
‘Marks Sequence’ ,first_value (Marks) over (Partition by Department order By Marks) as ‘First value’
from result
Department Id Marks Marks Sequence First value’
1 104 58 58 58
1 103 70 70 58
2 203 65 65 65
2 201 85 85 65
Using the function you can accesses data from a subsequent row in the same result set without the use of a self-join.
SELECT BusinessEntityID, YEAR(QuotaDate) AS SalesYear, SalesQuota AS CurrentQuota,
LEAD(SalesQuota, 1,0) OVER (ORDER BY YEAR(QuotaDate)) AS PreviousQuota
FROM Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory
WHERE BusinessEntityID = 275 and YEAR(QuotaDate) IN (‘2005’,’2006’);
BusinessEntityID SalesYear CurrentQuota NextQuota
—————- ———– ——————— ———————
275 2005 367000.00 556000.00
275 2005 556000.00 502000.00
275 2006 502000.00 550000.00
275 2006 550000.00 1429000.00
275 2006 1429000.00 1324000.00
275 2006 1324000.00 0.00
File Group Enhancement:
A FILESTREAM filegroup can contain more than one file. For a code example that demonstrates how to create a FILESTREAM filegroup that contains multiple files.