Architecture and Overview of Machine Learning Services
What is Machine Learning ?
Machine learning is closely related to computational statistics, which also focuses on prediction-making through the use of computers. It has strong ties to mathematical optimization, which delivers methods, theory and application domains to the field.
What is Microsoft Machine Learning Services ?
The goal of Microsoft Machine Learning Services is to provide an extensible, scalable platform for integrating machine learning tasks and tools with the applications that consume machine learning services. The platform must serve the needs of all users involved in the data development and analytics process, from data scientists, to architects and database administrators.+ Key concepts include:
- High-performance scalable analytics. Write-once, deploy-anywhere solutions
- Avoid data movement and data risk: bring analytics to the data
- Let data scientists choose their own tools and languages
- Integrate the best features of open source with Microsoft's enterprise capabilities Simplify administration
- Make it easier to deploy and consume predictive models