<ol><li>TFS has tightly integrated collaboration functionalities for Development team.</li><li><div>Version controlling using state of the art technology. </div></li><li><div align="LEFT">TFS has powerful features like atomic check-ins, branching and merging, shelving, labeling, concurrent check-outs, check-in policies, and the association of check-ins with work items.</div></li><li><div align="LEFT">Agile and CMMI process model is available. </div></li><li><div align="LEFT">Project Manager can be easily define task, able to establish link between existing tasks and monitor task.</div></li><li><div align="LEFT">Queries can be organized into subfolders, and permissions can be assigned as to who can view and modify team queries.</div></li><li><div align="LEFT">Team members can automatically, compile, Testing, Packaging, and Deployment.</div></li><li><div align="LEFT">QC or Test team can make test plan, manage and collect test cases, test execution, and beg reports through TFS. </div></li><li><div align="LEFT">TFS has branching and merging facilities using that parallel development can perform and managing easily.</div></li></ol>