Social computing in SharePoint Server 2013
In SharePoint 2013 introduced Social Networking feature introduced community site and My Site feature.
community site template has option to categories discussion among broad group of people. Its deployment helps the end user to make communication and exchange views on specific area among the people. It provides additional benefit to discussion list.
a. Community Member ship
Having the member ship user can join in a community and participants as member.
b. Community Management
Administrator or moderator can setup rules for administrative purpose. New discussion creation, review post, assigns gifted badges; specify a member’s contributor level.
c. E-mail Facility
Community member can have facility to share post and reply .Member of specific group can get discussion facility from there. Community admin can mark any reply as answer. Community user joins a distribution list; they receive email only from the point that they joined the list.
d. Discussion History
Discussion is community based .Community people can view previous discussion before join there.
e. Moderation functionality
Here built-in moderation functionality is available to helps keep the community active and appropriate to enterprise needs.
My Site
In SharePoint Server 2013, My Site has robust features having the facility to store, synchronization, sharing and moving of content. User can get below facility
a. My site document library can be use as default storing location. Discovery service identifies it with other location. Work flow of storing files, managed shared and movement.
b. Now users has option to synchronize their My Site document library content with a local drive which enable offline access to documents.
c. Sharing content of document libraries and permission is enriched so that user can share the content with specific users or groups, and select the permission those users or groups have to the content.
d. New micro blogging functionality is introduced participant can communicate through posting and reply, upload image, link and Follow people, documents, sites, and tags to customize their feed.