The HTML 5 draft reflects an effort, started in 2004, to study contemporary HTML implementations and deployed content. The draft:
<ol type="1"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Defines a single language called HTML 5 which can be written in a “custom” HTML syntax and in XML syntax. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Defines detailed processing models to foster interoperable implementations. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Improves markup for documents. </li><div class="separator" style="clear:both;text-align:center;"></div><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Introduces markup and APIs for emerging idioms, such as Web applications. </li></ol><div class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">
</div><h3 id="open-issues" style="margin:auto 0;">1.1. Open Issues</h3>HTML 5 is still a draft. The contents of HTML 5, as well as the contents of this document which depend on HTML 5, are still being discussed on the HTML Working Group and WHATWG mailing lists. Some of the open issues include (this list is not exhaustive):
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">De facto semantic definitions for some formerly presentational elements. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Details of accessibility and media-independence features, such as the longdesc, alt, summary, and headers attributes. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">The style attribute. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">The repetition model. </li></ul><h3 id="backwards-compatible" style="margin:auto 0;">1.2. Backwards Compatible</h3>HTML 5 is defined in a way that it is backwards compatible with the way user agents handle deployed content. To keep the authoring language relatively simple for authors several elements and attributes are not included as outlined in the other sections of this document, such as presentational elements that are better dealt with using CSS.
User agents, however, will always have to support these older elements and this is why the specification clearly separates requirements for authors and user agents. This means that authors can not use the isindex or plaintext element, but user agents are required to support them in a way that is compatible with how these elements behaved previously.
Since HTML 5 has separate conformance requirements for authors and user agents there is no longer a need for marking things “deprecated”.
<h3 id="development-model" style="margin:auto 0;">1.3. Development Model</h3>The HTML 5 specification will not be considered finished before there are at least two complete implementations of the specification. This is a different approach than previous versions of HTML had. The goal is to ensure that the specification is implementable and usable by designers and developers once it is finished.
<h2 id="syntax" style="margin:auto 0;">2. Syntax</h2>The HTML 5 language has a “custom” HTML syntax that is compatible with HTML 4 and XHTML1 documents published on the Web, but is not compatible with the more esoteric SGML features of HTML 4, such as <em/content/. Documents using this “custom” syntax must be served with the text/html MIME type.
HTML 5 also defines detailed parsing rules (including “error handling”) for this syntax which are largely compatible with popular implementations. User agents will follow these rules for resources that have the text/html MIME type. Here is an example document that conforms to the HTML syntax:
<pre></pre><pre></pre><pre>  </pre><pre>    </pre><pre>    Example document</pre><pre>  </pre><pre>  </pre><pre>    <p>Example paragraph</p></pre><pre>  </pre><pre></pre>The other syntax that can be used for HTML 5 is XML. This syntax is compatible with XHTML1 documents and implementations. Documents using this syntax need to be served with an XML MIME type and elements need to be put in the namespace following the rules set forth by the XML specifications. [XML]
Below is an example document that conforms to the XML syntax of HTML 5. Note that XML documents must have an XML MIME type such as application/xhtml+xml or application/xml.
<pre></pre><pre></pre><pre>  </pre><pre>    Example document</pre><pre>  </pre><pre>  </pre><pre>    <p>Example paragraph</p></pre><pre>  </pre><pre></pre><h3 id="character-encoding" style="margin:auto 0;">2.1. Character Encoding</h3>For the HTML syntax of HTML 5 authors have three means of setting the character encoding:
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">At the transport level. By using the HTTP Content-Type header for instance. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Using a Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character at the start of the file. This character provides a signature for the encoding used. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Using a meta element with a charset attribute that specifies the encoding as the first element child of the head element. could be used to specify the UTF-8 encoding. This replaces the need for </li></ul>For the XML syntax authors have to use the rules as set forth in the XML specifications to set the character encoding.
<h3 id="doctype" style="margin:auto 0;">2.2. The DOCTYPE</h3>The HTML syntax of HTML 5 requires a DOCTYPE to be specified to ensure that the browser renders the page in standards mode. The DOCTYPE has no other purpose and is therefore optional for XML. Documents with an XML MIME type are always handled in standards mode. [DOCTYPE]
The DOCTYPE declaration is and is case-insensitive in the HTML syntax. DOCTYPEs from earlier versions of HTML were longer because the HTML language was SGML based and therefore required a reference to a DTD. With HTML 5 this is no longer the case and the DOCTYPE is only needed to enable standards mode for documents written using the HTML syntax. Browsers already do this for .
<h2 id="language" style="margin:auto 0;">3. Language</h2>This section is split up in several subsections to more clearly illustrate the various differences there are between HTML 4 and HTML 5.
<h3 id="new-elements" style="margin:auto 0;">3.1. New Elements</h3>The following elements have been introduced for better structure:
<div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         section represents a generic document or application section. It can be used together with h1-h6 to indicate the document structure. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         article represents an independent piece of content of a document, such as a blog entry or newspaper article. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         aside represents a piece of content that is only slightly related to the rest of the page. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         header represents the header of a section. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         footer represents a footer for a section and can contain information about the author, copyright information, et cetera. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         nav represents a section of the document intended for navigation. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         dialog can be used to mark up a conversation like this:</div><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·         </pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dt> Costello</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dd> Look, you gotta first baseman?</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dt> Abbott</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dd> Certainly.</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dt> Costello</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dd> Who's playing first?</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dt> Abbott</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dd> That's right.</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dt> Costello</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dd> When you pay off the first baseman every month, who gets the money?</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dt> Abbott</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          <dd> Every dollar of it. </pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;"></pre><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         figure can be used to associate a caption together with some embedded content, such as a graphic or video:</div><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·        

</span></code></span></pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          </pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          Example</pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;"></figure></pre>Then there are several other new elements:
<div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         audio and video for multimedia content. Both provide an API so application authors can script their own user interface, but there is also a way to trigger a user interface provided by the user agent. source elements are used together with these elements if there are multiple streams available of different types. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         embed is used for plugin content. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         m represents a run of marked text. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         meter represents a measurement, such as disk usage. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         time represents a date and/or time. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         canvas is used for rendering dynamic bitmap graphics on the fly, such as graphs, games, et cetera. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         command represents a command the user can invoke. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         datagrid represents an interactive representation of a tree list or tabular data. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         details represents additional information or controls which the user can obtain on demand. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         datalist together with the a new list attribute for input is used to make comboboxes:</div><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·         </pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·         </pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          </pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          </pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          </pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;text-indent:-.25in;">·          </pre><pre style="margin-left:60pt;"></pre><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The datatemplate, rule, and nest elements provide a templating mechanism for HTML. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         event-source is used to "catch" server sent events. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         output represents some type of output, such as from a calculation done through scripting. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         progress represents a completion of a task, such as downloading or when performing a series of expensive operations. </div>The input element's type attribute now has the following new values:
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">datetime </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">datetime-local </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">date </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">month </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">week </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">time </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">number </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">range </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">email </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">url </li></ul>The idea of these new types is that the user agent can provide the user interface, such as a calendar date picker or integration with the user's address book and submit a defined format to the server. It gives the user a better experience as his input is checked before sending it to the server meaning there is less time to wait for feedback.
<h3 id="new-attributes" style="margin:auto 0;">3.2. New Attributes</h3>HTML 5 has introduced several new attributes to various elements that were already part of HTML 4:
<div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The a and area elements now have a media attribute for consistency with the link element. It is purely advisory. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The a and area elements have a new attribute called ping that specifies a space separated list of URIs which have to be pinged when the hyperlink is followed. Currently user tracking is mostly done through redirects. This attribute allows the user agent to inform users which URIs are going to be pinged as well as giving privacy-conscious users a way to turn it off. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The area element, for consistency, now has the hreflang and rel attributes. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The base element can now have a target attribute as well mainly for consistency with the a element and because it was already widely supported. Also, the target attribute for the a and area elements is no longer deprecated, as it is useful in Web applications, for example in conjunction with iframe. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The value attribute for the li element is no longer deprecated as it is not presentational. The same goes for the start attribute of the ol element. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The meta element has a charset attribute now as this was already supported and provides a nicer way to specify the character encoding for the document. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         A new autofocus attribute can be specified on the input (except when the type attribute is hidden), select, textarea and button elements. It provides a declarative way to focus a form control during page load. Using this feature should enhance the user experience as the user can turn it off if he does not like it, for instance. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The new form attribute for input, output, select, textarea, button and fieldset elements allows for controls to be associated with more than a single form. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The input, button and form elements have a new replace attribute which affects what will be done with the document after a form has been submitted. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The form and select elements (as well as the datalist element) have a data attribute that allows for automatically prefilling of form controls, in case of form, or the form control, in case of select and datalist, with data from the server. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The new required attribute applies to input (except when the type attribute is hidden, image or some button type such as submit) and textarea. It indicates that the user has to fill in a value in order to submit the form. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The input and textarea elements have a new attribute called inputmode which gives a hint to the user interface as to what kind of input is expected. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         You can now disable an entire fieldset by using the disabled attribute on it. This was not possible before. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The input element has several new attributes to specify constraints: autocomplete, min, max, pattern and step. As mentioned before it also has a new list attribute which can be used together with the datalist and select element. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         input and button also have a new template attribute which can be used for repetition templates. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The menu element has three new attributes: type, label and autosubmit. They allow the element to transform into a menu as found in typical user interfaces as well as providing for context menus in conjunction with the global contextmenu attribute. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The style element has a new scoped attribute which can be used to enable scoped style sheets. Style rules within such a style element only apply to the local tree. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The script element has a new attribute called async that influences script loading and execution. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The html element has a new attribute called manifest that points to an application cache manifest used in conjunction with the API for offline Web applications. </div>Several attributes from HTML 4 now apply to all elements. These are called global attributes: class, dir, id, lang, tabindex and title.
There are also several new global attributes:
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">The contenteditable attribute indicates that the element is an editable area. The user can change the contents of the element and manipulate the markup. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">The contextmenu attribute can be used to point to a context menu provided by the author. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">The draggable attribute can be used together with the new drag & drop API. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">The irrelevant attribute indicates that an element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant. </li></ul>The following are the attributes for the repetition model. These are global attributes and as such may be used on all HTML elements, or on any element in any other namespace, with the attributes being in the namespace.:
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">repeat </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">repeat-start </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">repeat-min </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">repeat-max </li></ul>HTML 5 also makes all event handler attributes from HTML 4 that take the form onevent-name global attributes and adds several new event handler attributes for new events it defines, such as the onmessage attribute which can be used together with the new event-source element and the cross-document messaging API.
<h3 id="changed-elements" style="margin:auto 0;">3.3. Changed Elements</h3>These elements have slightly modified meanings in HTML 5 to better reflect how they are used on the Web or to make them more useful:
<div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The a element without an href attribute now represents a "placeholder link". </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The address element is now scoped by the new concept of sectioning. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The b element now represents a span of text to be stylistically offset from the normal prose without conveying any extra importance, such as key words in a document abstract, product names in a review, or other spans of text whose typical typographic presentation is emboldened. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The hr element now represents a paragraph-level thematic break. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The i element now represents a span of text in an alternate voice or mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase from another language, a thought, a ship name, or some other prose whose typical typographic presentation is italicized. Usage varies widely by language. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         For the label element the browser should no longer move focus from the label to the control unless such behaviour is standard for the underlying platform user interface. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The menu element is redefined to be useful for actual menus. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The small element now represents small print (for side comments and legal print). </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         The strong element now represents importance rather than strong emphasis. </div><h3 id="absent-elements" style="margin:auto 0;">3.4. Absent Elements</h3>The elements in this section are not to be used by authors. User agents will still have to support them and HTML 5 will get a rendering section in due course that says exactly how. (The isindex element for instance is already supported by the parser.)
The following elements are not in HTML 5 because their effect is purely presentational and therefore better handled by CSS:
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">basefont </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">big </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">center </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">font, although it is allowed when inserted by a WYSIWYG editor due to limitations in the state of the art in user interface for these editors. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">s </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">strike </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">tt </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">u </li></ul>The following elements are not in HTML 5 because their usage affected usability and accessibility for the end user in a negative way:
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">frame </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">frameset </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">noframes </li></ul>The following elements are not included because they have not been used often, created confusion or can be handled by other elements:
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">acronym is not included because it has created lots of confusion. Authors are to use abbr for abbreviations. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">applet has been obsoleted in favor of object. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">isindex usage can be replaced by usage of form controls. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">dir has been obsoleted in favor of ul. </li></ul>Finally the noscript is only conforming in the HTML syntax. It is not included in the XML syntax as its usage relies on an HTML parser.
<h3 id="absent-attributes" style="margin:auto 0;">3.5. Absent Attributes</h3>Some attributes from HTML 4 are no longer allowed in HTML 5. If they need to have any impact on user agents for compatibility reasons it is defined how they should work in those scenarios.
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">accesskey attribute on a, area, button, input, label, legend and textarea. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">rev and charset attributes on link and a. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">shape and coords attributes on a. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">longdesc attribute on img and iframe. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">target attribute on link. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">nohref attribute on area. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">profile attribute on head. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">version attribute on html. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">name attribute on map, img, object, form, iframe, a (use id instead). </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">scheme attribute on meta. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">archive, classid, codebase, codetype, declare and standby attributes on object. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">valuetype and type attributes on param. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">charset and language attributes on script. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">summary attribute on table. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">headers, axis and abbr attributes on td and th. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">scope attribute on td. </li></ul>In addition, HTML 5 has none of the presentational attributes that were in HTML 4 as they are better handled by CSS:
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">align attribute on caption, iframe, img, input, object, legend, table, hr, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr and body. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">alink, link, text and vlink attributes on body. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">background attribute on body. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">bgcolor attribute on table, tr, td, th and body. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">border attribute on table, img and object. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">cellpadding and cellspacing attributes on table. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">char and charoff attributes on col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead and tr. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">clear attribute on br. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">compact attribute on dl, menu, ol and ul. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">frame attribute on table. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">frameborder attribute on iframe. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">height attribute on iframe, td and th. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">hspace and vspace attributes on img and object. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">marginheight and marginwidth attributes on iframe. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">noshade attribute on hr. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">nowrap attribute on td and th. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">rules attribute on table. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">scrolling attribute on iframe. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">size attribute on hr, input and select. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">style attribute on all elements with the exception of font. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">type attribute on li, ol and ul. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">valign attribute on col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead and tr. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">width attribute on hr, table, td, th, col, colgroup, iframe and pre. </li></ul><h2 id="apis" style="margin:auto 0;">4. APIs</h2>HTML 5 introduces a number of APIs that help in creating Web applications. These can be used together with the new elements introduced for applications:
<ul type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">2D drawing API which can be used with the new canvas element. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">API for playing of video and audio which can be used with the new video and audio elements. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Persistent storage. Both key / value and a SQL database are supported. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">An API that enables offline Web applications. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">An API that allows a Web application to register itself for certain protocols or MIME types. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Editing API in combination with a new global contenteditable attribute. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Drag & drop API in combination with a draggable attribute. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Network API. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">API that exposes the history and allows pages to add to it to prevent breaking the back button. (This API has the necessary security restrictions in place.) </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Cross-document messaging. </li><li class="MsoNormal" style="color:black;line-height:normal;margin:0 0 10pt;">Server-sent events in combination with the new event-source element. </li></ul><h3 id="htmldocument-extensions" style="margin:auto 0;">4.1. Extensions to HTMLDocument</h3>HTML 5 has extended the HTMLDocument interface from DOM Level 2 HTML in a number of ways. The interface is now implemented on all objects implementing the Document interface so it stays meaningful in a compound document context. It also has several noteworthy new members:
<div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         getElementsByClassName() to select elements by their class name. The way this method is defined it will allow it to work for any content with class attributes and a Document object such as SVG and MathML. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         innerHTML as an easy way to parse and serialize an HTML or XML document. This attribute was previously only available on HTMLElement in Web browsers and not part of any standard. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         activeElement and hasFocus to determine which element is currently focused and whether the Document has focus respectively. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         getSelection() which returns an object that represents the current selection(s). </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         designMode and execCommand() which are mostly used for editing of documents. </div><h3 id="htmlelement-extensions" style="margin:auto 0;">4.2. Extensions to HTMLElement</h3>The HTMLElement interface has also gained several extensions in HTML 5:
<div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         getElementsByClassName() which is basically a scoped version of the one found on HTMLDocument. </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         innerHTML as found in Web browsers today. It is also defined to work in XML context (when it is used in an XML document). </div><div style="margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;">·         classList is a convenient accessor for className. The object it returns exposes methods, such as has(), add(), remove() and toggle() for manipulating the element's classes. The a, area and link elements have a similar attribute called relList that provides the same functionality for the rel attribute. </div><div class="MsoNormal" style="margin:0 0 10pt;">
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